Make an Impact
Who Is SurvivingBreastCancer.Org
مجموعات الدعم
Our support groups provide a virtual community setting to allow those diagnosed to share personal experiences, ask questions, and foster connection. Our programs are tailored to early-stage breast cancer, those living with metastatic breast cancer, as well as inflammatory breast cancer which impacts less than 5% of those diagnosed.
Your generous donation also enables us to provide essential complementary programs to help breast cancer survivors make sense of the trauma a breast cancer diagnosis brings through professionally led programs in art therapy and expressive writing. These modalities foster healing beyond just the physical. They touch upon the mental and emotional well-being of breast cancer survivors.
In 2023:
330,000 people
received education and information regarding their diagnosis.
focused on education, mental, physical health and support.
We offered
387 virtual programs
Heading 3
of which, 88% demonstrated an increase in in knowledge about resources available to help them cope and manage their breast cancer diagnosis.
6,223 individuals
Your Tax-Deductible Donation
Makes a Difference!
By donating, you’re ensuring we can continue to offer life-changing programs and services.
All contributions are tax-deductible, and every dollar goes directly toward our cause!
Breast cancer is a significant health issue, impacting the lives of millions. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer during their lifetime, which translates to an estimated 297,790 new cases expected in 2024 alone .
الدعم النفسي والعاطفي
يمكّننا تبرعك السخي من توفير برامج تكميلية أساسية لمساعدة الناجيات من سرطان الثدي على فهم الصدمة التي يجلبها تشخيص سرطان الثدي من خلال برامج يقودها محترفون في العلاج بالفن والكتابة التعبيرية. تعزز هذه الطرائق الشفاء بما يتجاوز الجانب الجسدي فقط. فهي تمس الصحة النفسية والعاطفية للناجيات من سرطان الثدي.
مجموعات الدعم
توفر مجموعات الدعم الخاصة بنا بيئة مجتمعية افتراضية تتيح للمصابات بسرطان الثدي تبادل الخبرات الشخصية وطرح الأسئلة وتعزيز التواصل. برامجنا مصممة خصيصًا للمصابات بسرطان الثدي في مراحله المبكرة، والمصابات بسرطان الثدي النقيلي، بالإضافة إلى سرطان الثدي الالتهابي الذي يؤثر على أقل من 5% من المصابات به. والآن، أصبح لدى المصابات بسرطان الثدي الالتهابي أخيرًا مجتمع خاص بهن! تمكننا هذه التجربة عبر الإنترنت من الوصول إلى المجتمعات الريفية والمراكز الصحية والمرضى الذين قد لا يستطيعون الوصول إلى برامج الدعم بطريقة أخرى. إن مساهمتك تجعل مجموعات الدعم الأسبوعية الخاصة بنا تنبض بالحياة حقًا!
Educational Travel Grants
يتيح برنامج منح السفر الخاص بنا للمدافعين عن مرضى سرطان الثدي حضور مؤتمرات وفعاليات مهمة مثل ندوة سان أنطونيو لسرطان الثدي، والجمعية الأمريكية لعلم الأورام السريري، ومؤتمر "العيش بعد سرطان الثدي" وربما غيرها. يساعد كرمكم في تغطية تكاليف السفر والتسجيل والفنادق والوجبات حتى يتمكن المصابون بسرطان الثدي من حضور المؤتمرات واكتساب معلومات قيمة والتواصل مع الناجين والمتعافين والمدافعين عن المرضى!
جمع الناس معاً لمشاركة التواصل وتكوين الصداقات وخلق ذكريات تدوم طويلاً
المزيد من طرق العطاء
Your Tax-Deductible Donation Makes a Difference!
By donating, you’re ensuring we can continue to offer life-changing programs and services.
All contributions are tax-deductible, and every dollar goes directly toward our cause!
تبرع بشيك
5 Cedar Street, Suite 1Roxbury, MA 02119
يمكن تحويل الشيكات إلى "Survivingbreastcancer.org"
تبرع عن طريق Venmo
Donate Stock or other Securities
Legacy Donations or Endowments
Public Traded Securities
Asset-based Donations
Donor-Advised Funds
Please contact us schedule an appointment. We are happy to partner with you!
المزيد من طرق العطاء
Our support groups provide a virtual community setting to allow those diagnosed to share personal experiences, ask questions, and foster connection.
Our programs are tailored to early-stage breast cancer, those living with metastatic breast cancer, as well as inflammatory breast cancer which impacts less than 5% of those diagnosed.
Your donation also enables us to provide complementary programs to help breast cancer survivors make sense of the trauma a breast cancer diagnosis brings through professionally led programs.
Podcast, webinars & more!
Knowledge is Power! Support accurate and trustworthy educational content in the form of blogs, articles, and research, to weekly podcast episodes and webinars where we interview the experts.
Help us ensure that we are getting the information into the hands (eyes and ears) of those diagnosed who need it most!
Trustworthy Information
A breast cancer diagnosis at any stage is emotionally overwhelming, and it also comes with a lot of new information to absorb. At SurvivingBreastCancer.org, we've gathered resources to help new cancer patients and their families navigate this sea of information.
We stay up to date with the latest clinical trials and curate content from trusted partners and providers so our community members can make informed decisions based on reputable sources.
Hearing From The Experts
Our travel grant program enables breast cancer patient advocates to attend important conferences and events such as the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, and may others.
Your generosity helps off set the cost of travel, registration, hotels, and meals so those diagnosed with breast can attend conferences, gain valuable information, and connect with survivors, thrivers, and patient advocates!
In-Person Support
Your contribution to our in-person breast cancer retreats provides those diagnosed with breast cancer to experience a much-deserved and needed respite for a long weekend.
Participants on our SBC Retreats receive an all-inclusive weekend get-a-way to connect with others diagnosed with breast cancer, customized programming, delicious and nutritious meals, and opportunities to be in nature and make lasting connections.
Our support groups provide a virtual community setting to allow those diagnosed to share personal experiences, ask questions, and foster connection.
Our programs are tailored to early-stage breast cancer, those living with metastatic breast cancer, as well as inflammatory breast cancer.
Your donation also enables us to provide programs to help breast cancer survivors make sense of the trauma a breast cancer diagnosis brings through professionally led programs.
Podcast, Webinars & more!
Knowledge is Power! Support accurate and trustworthy educational content in the form of blogs, articles, and research, to weekly podcast episodes and webinars where we interview the experts.
Help us ensure that we are getting the information into the hands (eyes and ears) of those diagnosed who need it most!
Trustworthy Information
A breast cancer diagnosis at any stage is emotionally overwhelming, and it also comes with a lot of new information to absorb. At SurvivingBreastCancer.org, we've gathered resources to help new cancer patients and their families navigate this sea of information.
We stay up to date with the latest clinical trials and curate content from trusted partners and providers so our community members can make informed decisions based on reputable sources.
Hearing from the Experts
Our travel grant program enables breast cancer patient advocates to attend important conferences and events such as the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Living Beyond Breast Cancer, and may others.
Your generosity supports costs such as travel, registration, and hotels, so those diagnosed can attend conferences, gain valuable information, and connect with the breast cancercommunity!
In-Person Support
Your contribution to our in-person breast cancer retreats provides those diagnosed with breast cancer to experience a much-deserved and needed respite for a long weekend.
Participants on our SBC Retreats receive an all-inclusive weekend get-a-way to connect with others diagnosed with breast cancer, customized programming, delicious and nutritious meals, and opportunities to be in nature and make lasting connections.